Selling your home can feel like selling your memories
The home you are selling has been an important part of your life. Making the decision to sell is not always easy. Most people have a lot of memories tied up in their homes. But it can often be a surprisingly wonderful and liberating transition.
Once you have made the decision to sell, you should try to step back and view your home through buyers’ eyes.
Prepare your home for sale
Certain features of your home are sure to entrance some buyers as much as they did you. Other outdated features may not be so appealing to some buyers.
My goal is to help you highlight those attractive features and minimize the least appealing features.
Emptier homes look much bigger. People can imagine themselves and their belongings in that space. Remember, if you’re moving out of your home, you will have to pack everything eventually anyway. Get started earlier for the greatest impact.
A picture is worth a thousand words
We’ve all done it. We see a listing with no photos and we click right past it. The quality of your listing photos will greatly determine the success of your sale.
When I list your home, my services include exceptional, professional photographs at no cost to you.